Via Sopra la Montagna 4, Ticciano di Vico Equense ( Napoli ) Italia
Here are some information about the way you have to take to reach us.
1. If you leave Rome airport by car, you have to take the motorway (in
italian "autostrada") A1, direction south towards Napoli (Naples).
2. Go straight on this motorway A1 direction Napoli. There is somewhere a
pay toll gate where you have to take a ticket. You must not pay at this
moment. Take care of this ticket because it will be requested when you will
be close to Naples and you will be asked to pay according the distance
3. Continue to go south staying on motorway A1. After about 247 km you
should see the signal indicating the motorway A3. Take the motorway A3
following the direction Salerno-Reggio Calabria. Go straight as if you would
go to Salerno. You should see a signal with the indication Penisola
Sorrentina (it is Sorrento). You should find another pay toll gate on the
motorway A3. You will pay 2 euro before going ahead.
4. There are several exits: Ercolano, Torre del Greco, Torre Annunziata,
Pompei. After the latter you arrive at a branch. Take right and exit at
Castellammare di Stabia. There is another pay toll gate but you do not have
to pay.
5. Follow the indication Sorrento. You have to pass through two big tunnels.
Continue to follow the indication Sorrento. At a certain point there is also
the indication Vico Equense (it is on the same direction).
6. You will arrive at a branch. There is a tunnel on your left (Sorrento).
Go through this tunnel. Follow the direction Sorrento. At the exit you are
in the village named Seiano. You will see a railway bridge on your right.
You have to pass under this bridge and go straight. From this bridge you
have to drive for about 600 meters. As a reference you will see the Moon
Valley Hotel on your left. Soon after that Hotel, just in a bend, there is a
branch. Prepare to turn left. Stop your car in the middle of this branch. Be
careful to the cars that are coming from the opposite direction. There is a
mirror that helps you to turn left when no cars are coming.
From this point there are 7 km to go. Ignore any other detour and follow the
main road up to Ticciano.
You arrive in the Napoli Centrale Station of the Ferrovie dello Stato
"Piazza Garibaldi" and take the train to Sorrento of the Circumvesuviana,
which links up Naples with the Penisola Sorrentina by a train every 30
minutes. You arrive at the trains of the Circumvesuviana from the Napoli
Centrale Station through the internal subway. Tickets cost about 3 Euros.
From Naples to Vico Equense the journey lasts about 1 hour. From here you
arrive at our Bed and Breakfast by the bus of the "Circolare Destra" of the
Circumvesuviana, which links up Vico Equense with Ticciano.
The Airport of Napoli Capodichino is about 47 km far from B & B Don Pietro. This flight stop is linked up with the main Italian and European cities by
many air companies, which often propose favourable offers.The most
comfortable and cheap solution to arrive at the Penisola Sorrentina from the
airport is the bus service by the Curreri company, which links up the
airport with Vico Equense (Piazza Kennedy) and Sorrento by six daily buses.
You take the bus at the exit "Arrivals" of the airport and the journey to
Vico Equense lasts about 1 hour. From here you take the bus of the Circolare
Destra of the Circumvesuviana to Ticciano.